Giving A Voice To The Voiceless
We are a 501(c)3) Non-Profit Organization
EIN: 47-3448522

The Story of Oso

Without the help of brave and determined volunteers and your donations rescuing horses in need would be impossible
Every dollar that you donate is spent on the welfare of horses we have rescued. Needless to say, we are always in dire need of money, supplies and volunteers to support and rehabilitate the horses we care for.
Owner neglect is just one challenge we take on
Each year, up to 244,000 equines are sent to an horrific end in Mexico and Canada via the foreign slaughter pipeline. We do our best to keep as many as we can out of the auction and slaughter pipeline. Our goal is to give them a chance. A chance to have a forever home through training, adoption, or sanctuary.
What happens to senior horses who have given a lifetime of service?
Auctions and Foreign Slaughter...These were the horses which carried our children safely on their backs. Racehorses who did not win (and some who did). Retired show and rodeo horses too old to perform. Wild mustangs, burros and breeders' overstock. Pregnant broodmares who gave birth on the feedlots. Mares and their nursing foals separated on the trucks. Mules, donkeys, and ponies who never had the chance to serve a purpose.
Condemned to death for nothing... but profit
These companion animals are sent in horrifying conditions to cruelly unregulated slaughterhouses across our borders to die...
Cheated of the opportunity to end their lives in dignity
Please help these deserving horses.
Donate money. Sponsor a horse. Volunteer. Adopt.
America's horses need YOU now, more than ever
Just click the donate button below and give what you can afford, thank you

Please ask about our outreach and equine connection programs.
Please ask about our outreach and equine connection programs.

Our gratitude goes to T he Unwanted Horse Coalition, A Home For Every Horse, Weatherbeeta, Purina, and Merck for their product support. We couldn't do this without corporate industry help. Please support these businesses who support our rescues .